Privacy Policy

Personal data and navigation data

Pursuant to Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, No. 196 of the Code regarding the protection of personal data and the following updates and Regulation (EU) 27 April 2016, No. 679, Associazione Salotto di Milano (hereinafter referred to as the “Data Controller“) guarantees compliance with the regulations on personal data protection.

Data Controller

Associazione Salotto di Milano, Codice Fiscale 97134720156

Via S.Pellico, 8 – 20121 Milano (Italia)


Categories of personal data processed

The Data collected automatically are navigation data. Although this data is not collected in order to be associated with the user’s identity, it may indirectly, through processing and association with data collected by the Data Controller, allow the user to be identified.

In particular: technical data relating to IP address, identification codes of the devices used by the user to use the site, browser characteristics and access times. More details are available by consulting the cookie policy by clicking here.